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Massage for Men.  

Man to Man Massage. 

Gay Male Massage Therapist.


Mobile Outcall Service Only.

Casual Basis by Advance

Appointment - In your Home,

Hotel, Motel or Air BnB.

see The Welcome Page,

for all booking info.

Diploma of Massage and 

Relaxation Massage Certificate, 

Wellpark Natural Therapy College, Auckland. N.Z.


Massage Considerations.  
Everything you need to know with regards to Massage & Wellness Considerations is on this page.  If you require clarification on anything noted - please feel free to contact me to discuss - Txt is Best. 

Wellness Considerations


Pre - Massage Considerations. 

With any kind of massage, there are Wellness & Medical Conditions which must be given consideration, therefore as part of all booking confirmations - I generally ask for a brief pre-booking Wellness Check,  just incase there is anything that I consider to be a massage contraindication @ this time.  

Symptoms to consider are as follows; 

fever, headache, muscle aches, backache, chills, exhaustion, swollen lymph nodes, respiratory symptoms such as; (cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, sneezing/runny nose/nasal congestion); loss of sense of smell, or loss of taste, tightness in the chest area or chest pain.

A rash or skin lesions located anywhere on the body, (hands, face, feet, legs, arms, genitals, anal area, etc). This may also present as pimples or blister like and maybe painful or itchy or maybe at the stage of presenting as dry scab like, (dry & hard).

You are currently experiencing, Diarrhoea, Nausea, Vomiting, A general feeling of Malaise - (discomfort/illness or unease), Abdominal Pain, feelings of Confusion or Irritability.

You currently have any type of medically identified skin condition, bruising, rash or open wounds / cuts.

You are @ risk of or are currently experiencing blood clots.

You have higher than considered normal blood pressure  / hypertension. 

You have any kind of heart disease / related illness or have had surgery in this area within the last year. 

You have had any type of surgery within the last year.

You have any type of breathing difficulty.

You are experiencing Liver or Kidney Conditions. 

You have an existing or recent injury.

If you have recently had any kind of bone break or fracture.

You have recently experienced or are currently experiencing any kind of Medical  / Health Condition  - particularly if you are in recovery or healing from or on medication for. 

You are experiencing any kind of Fever, Cold or Flu symptons - no matter how mild it may seem. Please see Wellness Check notes above. 

If your BMI is considered Medically High as this may put you at risk.  

Body weight guidelines. 

@ EnigmaticBody, every-body is welcome, however it is an important aspect of Massage,  that a weight guideline of approx 120 kilos for the receiver is given when booking the Enigmatic as this allows for the Therapy Table weight guidelines.

you must be able to get on and off a Massage Therapy table at approx 700 high from ground level and easily turn over on the table that is only 800 wide.  

Bringing to you a Strong,Spirited,

Sensuous yet Meditative Full Body

Relaxation Massage with 

Men in Mind, for 10+ years.

Mobile Outcall Service Only

Casual Basis by Advance

Appointment - In your Home,

Hotel, Motel or Air BnB.

see The Welcome Page,

for all booking info.

Contact Glenn. 021735293

Auckland, N.Z. 
TXT is best. 

What's App avail.

no caller ID - are not answered. 

In mobile view, page layout may not display as intended, as auto formatting condenses written text & moves / hides some Images. 

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